Personal Shopping

Now that you have discovered your personal style and are ready for your personality to shine, it’s time to go shopping!

Learn how to shop effectively and with pleasure. Buy what enhances your style and makes you feel good, as opposed to buying on impulse, or for the sake of quantity. Remember, your wardrobe is only for fabulous clothes! Are you ready to transform yourself and feel great everyday?

Reach out and I will help you find it. I am just an email away.

  • Purchase essentials items of your wardrobe
  • Learn how to enjoy shopping and save money and time
  • Know how to buy eye-catching items fabric, style, color, price etc..) & where to shop
  • Understand the psychological reasons why we shop & how to control impulse shopping
What is included in this service?
  • Personal shopping based on pre-determined shopping list
  • Information & practical advice on how to choose the right item – focus on quality instead of quantity, less is more, resist buying “odd” pieces

The Personal Shopping service requires a minimum 3-hour booking.

Follow-up with these services:

Discovery of Personal Style & Grooming

Your Special Occasion

Wardrobe Detox & Enhance